Welcoming Baby Zayden
We can Bearly wait to meet you...

We loved our wilderness baby shower theme so much, we decided to do our maternity photo shoot in the mountains. It was sooo cold, but worth every picture.
It was getting close to the due date and needed to finish his nursery. We had a hard time finding items that we liked for him so we decided to make some of our own. We started with making him a crib pillow and a crib mobile. With my ideas and my husband's patient skills, he painted the pillow, drew out the mobile toys and I stuffed them. #teamwork As you can see we continued the wilderness theme that we used for the baby shower.
We are ready for him!
On January 31st we were blessed with our third child, Zayden who was 8 pounds 12 ounces at 21 inches. The labor took a turn when he decided to flip in my belly and push his way out with his feet. Long story short he was eager to see the world and there was no time for a c-section, he was coming out breach. His body was mostly out then his head got stuck and he went into shock. The doctors were trying their best to get him out quickly. When he finally came, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he wasn't breathing. Once they got him breathing he was rushed to the NICU.
Zayden was in NICU for over two weeks due to a skull fracture and excessive swelling. They did daily tests to monitor his brain and heart as well as a couple MRIs. We could of lost him but thanks to the doctors and nurses, Zayden pulled through. We are now all home and love him so much!
Welcome home!
Zayden's nook is in our bedroom.
Do you recognize something? The faux fur rug is what I wore in the maternity shoot. I like to reuse things, especially in this case. It kept me warm and now it can do the same for him. Since his space is small I didn't want to go overboard with the wall decor. We picked items that had significance such as the dream catcher made by First Nations which we bought at Seattle's Pike Place Market. My husband made the mountain "be brave" wood art and the "dream big" canvas for me. It was just what I wanted for Zayden, he did amazing job with them.
After Zayden left the hospital we scheduled his newborn pictures right away. Many photographers would not accept us because he was already 19 days old. I guess it's hard to shoot when they are past 14 days. Luckily a friend referred us to IRIS Mphotograpphy they were able to see us that next day. It was the most precious and heart warming event we could have ever done.
Zayden continued to progress, the skull fracture healed on its own as expected and his last MRI scan went extremely well. He's such a strong boy and we've appreciated all the love and prayers we received.
Thank you for reading our story. ❤️
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